Virtual Event
Presented by Southern Cross Insurance Solutions
Cynthia Williams, Director at UF Health Birth Center, will share insights on how their team of providers work together to offer the best possible care for women. The UF Health midwifery team is composed of 2 CNMs, and 3 LMs who work closely with the College of Medicine, Dept of OB-GYN physicians. Hear how this birth center listens to mothers-to-be and creates a unique center offering a comfortable, calming, home-like environment where mothers can give birth in a soothing setting with their loved ones and family around them. “This is something a lot of women want, and we want to provide it for them, but we want to do it in the safest way possible,” said Guy Benrubi, MD, FACOG, University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville senior associate dean for faculty affairs and chair of obstetrics and gynecology.
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Cynthia serves Birth Center Director at the UF Health Birth Center in Jacksonville, Florida, which just opened in 2015. She is a long-time member of the Jacksonville midwifery community and of the UF Health Obstetrics and Gynecology department.
Jane began her nursing and midwifery education in Scotland where she became a registered general nurse RGN with a Bachelor’s degree and completed her diploma in midwifery in 1992 to become a Registered Midwife. She has always felt called to the profession of midwifery in particular. Jane has delivered over 2000 babies on 4 continents, and each birth has been very special to her. She entered graduate school at University of Florida in 2001 and completed her MSN studies so she would be able to provide midwifery care in Gainesville, Florida. Jane was in the first DNP class at University of Florida, graduating in 2009, and continued her career in education becoming Director of Midwifery there in 2011-2015. She joined the faculty at FNU in her capacity as Clinical Director for Midwifery and Women’s Health in August 2015.